Individualized Services and Supports

We provide individualized services and supports to children and their families. Each child and family are unique and benefits from choices and flexibility.
Accessible Services

We reach out to every community and make services available to all children in Lane County free of charge and as early as possible.
Community – Based Services

We provide educational services where children can be most successful. We utilize existing community resources and serve children with typical peers in natural environments whenever possible.
Exemplary Leadership

We act as leaders in our field and as models of collaboration and competence. We are open to new ideas and information and encourage continuous learning, growth, and improvement.

We build relationships with families through caring, encouragement and acceptance. We share their hopes and listen to and acknowledge their ideas, wishes, and plans.
Respect For Diversity Of Families

We treat all families with honor and respect. We value diversity of cultures, languages, customs, religion, family type, social and economic status, and education.
Responsible And Accountable Use Of Resources

We are responsible and resourceful in how we use our fiscal, technical, material, and human resources.
Community Collaboration

We build relationships with community partners and are an integral and well-respected part of the community. We work together to help make Lane County a better place for children and families to live, work, and grow.
Community Resource

We are a valuable resource to the community. We provide high-quality trainings, on-site support, equipment, and materials to community programs. We offer practicum experiences for students and opportunities for volunteers.
Partners With Parents

We support parents in their role as parent and treat families as partners in all aspects of the process. We value working together as a team and learning from each other. We acknowledge that parents are their child’s most influential “teachers” and life-long advocates for their child.
Children Make Progress

We are committed to ensuring that all children make progress towards achieving their potential, develop strong self-esteem, and enter school ready to succeed.