Who Should Be Referred to Early Childhood CARES?
Any child from birth to kindergarten age with developmental concerns may be referred.
Areas of concern may include communication, cognitive, motor, self-care or adaptive, and social skills. Referrals are made by parents, physicians, public health nurses, and preschool teachers with consent from parents.
Referrals are made by calling (541) 346-2578. Or click here to submit an online referral.
Parents may self-assess their child’s development by completing the Ages and Stages Questionnaires.
Medical providers may refer a child by downloading and completing the EI/ECSE Referral Form
and submitting it via email or fax to (541) 344-4723.
Watch a video to learn how a child’s speech is screened using a questionnaire.
How Does A Child Qualify For Services?
Parents complete a hearing and vision questionnaire and a developmental checklist. This information is reviewed by a developmental specialist. If the questionnaire indicates the child has delays, an evaluation is recommended.
Evaluations will be done at home, at Early Childhood CARES or in the preschool setting.
Evaluations are conducted by licensed specialists.
Watch a video to learn about an evaluation for early intervention.
What Happens After A Child is Determined Eligible For Services?
Team members identify the child’s current levels of development and what skills the child needs to learn.
Team members identify how the child’s educational and family goals will be met and create an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).
The educational team decides what kind of program would best meet the child’s needs in the “least restrictive,” or most typical, setting and as close to home as possible.